Top of yellow metal bridge in Pittsburgh

We have an historic opportunity.

Imagine tomorrow in Pittsburgh

Economically and demographically, Pittsburgh has long been in decline. We’ve been keeping a pulse, and all indicators are flashing. Now, we sit at the heart of a question: How can we restore an icon — reversing our population losses and making this the best place to live in the world? We’re embarking on a bold journey to deliver transformative change. Let’s plant our flag in a future where we have a community that’s growing and thriving and attracting outside investment.
Join us. 🚀

Illustrated black and white hourglass icon

The Problem

A cataclysmic loss of livelihoods, generations, and an innovative mindset.

Illustrated black and white lightbulb icon

The Opportunity

A combination of unrealized potential and emerging assets ripe for activation.

Illustrated black and white magnet icon

The Solution

A plan to uncover strategies to attract and engage those who will grow with us.

Wide panoramic photograph of the inside of Lawrence Hall

Our Focus

We’re working at the intersection of people & place.

Pittsburgh tomorrow staff and board members at event with blue step and repeat in background


Activating the people

Reverse decline by connecting and inspiring a new generation to power a positive future.

A graphic map of downtown Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh Tomorrow colors


Repositioning the place

Put Pittsburgh back on the map by shaping a story that reflects the future we’re creating.

Downtown Pittsburgh at night with blue coloring


Creating a movement

Rally the region to embrace change, celebrate growth, and welcome new neighbors.


Is the situation critical?

Yes. We can’t wait — our population losses are causing alarming repercussions: losing regional jobs, shrinking labor force, declining tax base, and diminishing Congressional power. To reverse these losses and begin to thrive, we must chart a new strategy and catalyze a prosperous future.

Who is trying to solve this problem?

We are. We’re built differently — we have to be. Many regional organizations are charged with managing and promoting Pittsburgh. Each has its own focus — governing the region, attracting global business, recruiting talent, or welcoming visitors. We have to create a focused strategy on the people that will power Pittsburgh.

Who is funding us?

Pittsburgh is. In Fall 2023, we launched a citizen-led campaign at a small fundraiser — and Pittsburghers responded. By May 2024, 145 leading citizens contributed and pledged more than $2.6 million. We purposely tested the waters before going to the foundations to validate the desire for change and to achieve the freedom of movement to do what’s necessary to succeed. Now we’re seeking a match from local foundations ($750k so far) and from our region’s leading companies.

Want to get in touch?

Have insights? Want to connect? Work with us to solve this problem. Reach out at

Want to donate to the cause?

Interested in adding fuel to our mission? Email or give online here.